Thursday, February 14, 2013

Twitter is the best social media!

Many people are have twitter, it's becoming the new Facebook. You tweet instead of post you status. Most people tweet a lot and om Facebook, if you tweet a lot, it's wrong. But on twitter you can tweet as much as you want. You can follow people even if they don't follow you back and vis versa. The kids in my school does use any Facebook anymore, they may go on it but wont do much as they would on twitter. Twitter is the new hit. 

Just because twitter is on the internet doesn't mean it's bad. Your new followers can request to follow you, you can select the settings when you sign up from twitter. But anyone can retweet your tweets. Twitter also uses hash tags. #Twitter really is the best social media.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pic Monkey


What I did was I messed around with the contrast, brightness, highlights, and shadows. I also added a texture, so it looks like a picture. I added a text saying 'softball is the game.' I chose yellow because it's the color of the ball.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Learning Online

I think that having the assignments online is better because you can work ahead and it's easier. We could do it step by step, instead of having the teach constantly telling you what to do. The video tutorials were awesome because it's right in front of us. We didn't have to go up to the teacher or ask someone how to do it over again. It's something that could be used again.

I really don't dislike anything about learning online. I didn't have any problems with this but that might changed. It's something that all teachers should try out. It's a nice way to get things done, get ahead, and to see things step by step with the assignments.