Monday, May 6, 2013

Tech Article Assignment Blog Number 4

The 'olds' thought that before the Iphone was the best thing on earth. But  now that the Samsung company is releasing the new and improved galaxy S4, they will be switching and getting rid of their Iphone S5. For some reason the grandmas are very easily tricked into buying things with commercials that involve the loved ones. So now that the Galaxy S4 is in, the Iphone is now out of style. Because of this there might be a Galaxy S6 coming out soon, to get the Iphones back on track.

Their latest ad, including a graduation ceremony, really have helped them. Now that the 'olds' have seen this, they think it's one of the best thing that ever happen. The 'oldies' have been wanted to always make sure that they are ahead of the game. The commercial is a grandmother taking a picture of her grandson as he takes his diploma, but a silly kid jumps in and takes ripes his shirt off at the last second. The grandma captures the the silly boy, but with her new samsung galaxy S4, she simply touches the silly boy on her phone and takes him out of the picture without any worries.

When- May 5th, 2013 5 am
Who- Chris Matyszczyk

Watch video--

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tech Article #3

Recently Google has came out with the 'Google Glass.' It allows you to search the web, take pictures, etc with these glasses. But they are expansive. It an amazing feature and can really be handy. All though along with these nice things, there always comes a set back.  And unfortunately there is a setback with the Google Glass. But will it affect a lot of people that will knock this item off the shelf. Only the future can tell us.
When you wear these glasses it's like watching a screen up close, and because of that it cause eye damage. For kids, that can cause eyestrain and headaches. So, here comes the label. No children under the age of thirteen. Everyone before using the Glass should see a doctor to risk eye damage. The more you use the Google glass the more you are putting your eyes at risk. But really anyone is at risk. The childrens eyes have not fully developed and the grown ups eyes should be use to it with what they have gone through with their lives. You really need to take precaution about using the Google Glass.
When- April 17th
Who- Rosa Golijan
What- Google Glass not for children, may cause 'eye strain,' reads warning.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Tech Article Assignment #2

Apple has yet to release the new Iphone 6. Coming this summer, it will be out. No details about the features that will be one this. Everyone Iphone that has came out has been faster and a better upgrade. Every IPhone has been released in the Fall or Summer of the new year. The 'tradition' will continue with the new Iphone. Apple also has been working on a cheaper model too. Apple may even add color. They questions remain, Whats next? When are they going to stop?

As competition rises with Asia and South America, the prices on these Iphone will be dropped. They Iphones have been pronounced as unaffordable. Apple won't drop the prices with the news one. They will, however, make a cheaper model that will be affordable. Even compared to Android, Apple is still pricey. Apple should remain secretive about these new products. But, they always have a leak. The leaks also help, with the buyers. They second guess which smartphone to switch, and some will wait for the Iphone that will come out next. Apple needs to stay above the Android, especially,  with the Samsung Galaxy S Lines.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Tech Article Assignment #1

A smart-watch to come.
March 22, 2013
After words went around that the Apple was bringing out a smart watch, they finally come around and say there are. The smart-watch will be a lot like a phone, just smaller and less features. No details have been released about how much it will cost or when it will come to stores. It's like a competition, with the Iphone and Galaxy S, Apple needs something new to be 'better' than the Samsung company. This is exactly what they need to come on top of Samsung. The Galaxy S3 came out last year, and they weren't on top, but then the Iphone 5 was released. Samsung is now releasing a Galaxy S4. Apple needs the smart-watch to come around and take over.

So, Apple has to come over with this smart-watch. With this feature, they will take over, and come over Samsung. Smart-watch will come out like a phone, but it's just on your wrist. However, I don't wear watches but this does see interesting. People who don't like caring things will be glad to have this kind of watch. It's really a high tech feature that people will love. So, when the smart-watch will come out Apple will most likely to take over. Smart-watch will be the new thing.
Taken from- CNN
Author- Doug Gross
Date-  March 19, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Twitter is the best social media!

Many people are have twitter, it's becoming the new Facebook. You tweet instead of post you status. Most people tweet a lot and om Facebook, if you tweet a lot, it's wrong. But on twitter you can tweet as much as you want. You can follow people even if they don't follow you back and vis versa. The kids in my school does use any Facebook anymore, they may go on it but wont do much as they would on twitter. Twitter is the new hit. 

Just because twitter is on the internet doesn't mean it's bad. Your new followers can request to follow you, you can select the settings when you sign up from twitter. But anyone can retweet your tweets. Twitter also uses hash tags. #Twitter really is the best social media.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pic Monkey


What I did was I messed around with the contrast, brightness, highlights, and shadows. I also added a texture, so it looks like a picture. I added a text saying 'softball is the game.' I chose yellow because it's the color of the ball.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Learning Online

I think that having the assignments online is better because you can work ahead and it's easier. We could do it step by step, instead of having the teach constantly telling you what to do. The video tutorials were awesome because it's right in front of us. We didn't have to go up to the teacher or ask someone how to do it over again. It's something that could be used again.

I really don't dislike anything about learning online. I didn't have any problems with this but that might changed. It's something that all teachers should try out. It's a nice way to get things done, get ahead, and to see things step by step with the assignments.

Friday, January 25, 2013

App Creation

If I could create any app I would create a studying app. You could study for any test or quiz. All you would have to do is enter the information and what type the test/quiz will be. Then it gives you a test of all the informative, so it's just like you are taking a test. It will give you a grade afterwords. You can retake the test/quiz or recreate it. When you get your results back you can easily know what you need to study. 

If this app was invented the cost would be free, because it's not something someone would use daily or play with. It's to help study and make people smart. Anybody could use it, because kids, teenagers, and adults take tests. From driving to geography to abc's Istudy has got you covered.