Thursday, February 14, 2013

Twitter is the best social media!

Many people are have twitter, it's becoming the new Facebook. You tweet instead of post you status. Most people tweet a lot and om Facebook, if you tweet a lot, it's wrong. But on twitter you can tweet as much as you want. You can follow people even if they don't follow you back and vis versa. The kids in my school does use any Facebook anymore, they may go on it but wont do much as they would on twitter. Twitter is the new hit. 

Just because twitter is on the internet doesn't mean it's bad. Your new followers can request to follow you, you can select the settings when you sign up from twitter. But anyone can retweet your tweets. Twitter also uses hash tags. #Twitter really is the best social media.


  1. I think that you were right with your opinion. I think that your blog post was good thinking and I like that you had put what picture in.. But I would of liked to see some facts in your post.

  2. I agree that Twitter is becoming the new Fb, but it is kinda STUPID!!

  3. I think that Facebook is not keeping up with twitter. Twitter is the number one place to go online to take to people.
