Monday, May 6, 2013

Tech Article Assignment Blog Number 4

The 'olds' thought that before the Iphone was the best thing on earth. But  now that the Samsung company is releasing the new and improved galaxy S4, they will be switching and getting rid of their Iphone S5. For some reason the grandmas are very easily tricked into buying things with commercials that involve the loved ones. So now that the Galaxy S4 is in, the Iphone is now out of style. Because of this there might be a Galaxy S6 coming out soon, to get the Iphones back on track.

Their latest ad, including a graduation ceremony, really have helped them. Now that the 'olds' have seen this, they think it's one of the best thing that ever happen. The 'oldies' have been wanted to always make sure that they are ahead of the game. The commercial is a grandmother taking a picture of her grandson as he takes his diploma, but a silly kid jumps in and takes ripes his shirt off at the last second. The grandma captures the the silly boy, but with her new samsung galaxy S4, she simply touches the silly boy on her phone and takes him out of the picture without any worries.

When- May 5th, 2013 5 am
Who- Chris Matyszczyk

Watch video--


  1. This article just shows how fast the progress and advancement of technology is today. Improving their old items is the only way people will want to get more.

  2. i think the commerical was funny but the phone was nice. That wood be a good phone for parents to have and other kids.
